Roseville Brain Injury Lawyer

At Rosenthal Law, we know what it takes to stand up to aggressive insurance carriers and at-fault parties, and we are here to help when you need a Roseville brain injury lawyer. Our goal is to recover maximum compensation for your losses, so let us get started on your case today.

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to significant physical and cognitive disabilities for those affected. Unfortunately, individuals harmed by the negligent actions of others often struggle to recover compensation.

Roseville Brain Injury Attorney

Why Choose Us at Rosenthal Law Firm

Brain injuries change the lives of many people every day. When they cause you to suffer long-term losses, medical bills, and a complex future, you deserve a legal team capable of fighting hard for you. Rosenthal Law provides the legal representation you need:

  • Experience: With over 25 years of hands-on experience helping clients, we have the knowledge and dedication to support our clients as their brain injury lawyer in Roseville.
  • Millions recovered: Our attorneys have had successful outcomes in 98% of our cases. We have helped victims recover millions of dollars in losses as a result.
  • Compassion and dedication: We care about you and the outcome of your case. That is why we offer comprehensive legal support to our clients to fight for their rights as well as compassionate, personal services.

We operate on a contingency fee. That means you pay us nothing until we win your case for you. There is nothing to lose but lots of information to gain.

How Can An Attorney Help My Brain Injury Case?

A skilled brain injury lawyer will provide incredible service to your case. The reality is that securing compensation after a brain injury is very challenging. These claims are made harder by the fact that insurance carriers and at-fault parties often refuse to pay fair compensation for what happened. In fact, these other parties may push back and claim they owe no compensation at all.

At Rosenthal Law, our team has an extensive track record of success in recovering major settlements and jury verdicts on behalf of those who sustained catastrophic injuries. We understand the complexities involved with these cases, which is why we conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and handle every aspect of the claim on behalf of our clients. We stand up to aggressive insurance carriers, and we refuse to accept low settlement offers. Our team will fully prepare a brain injury claim for trial if that is what it takes to recover the compensation our clients need.

Steps You Should Take Immediately After Suffering a Brain Injury

Brain injuries can occur for many reasons. No matter why or how they occur, your initial priority needs to be to seek medical care and then follow through with your medical provider. Then, consider these additional steps:

  • Document any injuries you have and symptoms as they change over time.
  • Write down all medical appointments and doctor insights provided to you about your condition. Keep a log of testing and appointments with all practitioners.
  • Contact a brain injury attorney for immediate help. We remain by your side throughout this process.
  • Document everything that occurred after your accident, that you remember, and what led up to you. A video of yourself making these statements could help if you cannot write it down.
  • Work with your medical providers to heal. Let our legal team stay by you as we pursue damages.

Healing from a brain injury is complex. You need to take action as quickly as you can to ensure you are getting the level of care you need. Do not wait to contact our brain injury attorney in Roseville for immediate help.

What Damages Can I Recover for My Brain Injury?

Individuals who sustained brain injuries in the Roseville area are often able to recover economic and non-economic damages if their injury was caused by the negligent actions of another individual or entity. Our Roseville traumatic brain injury attorneys work diligently to recover the following on behalf of every client that we assist.

Economic Damages

Brain injuries nearly always cause medical bills and other economic damages. These are losses that can easily be calculated based on the medical bills you have or evidence of the care received. Examples of economic damages include:

  • Coverage of all emergency and ongoing medical expenses
  • Physical therapy, prescription medication, and medical device costs
  • Lost wages for those unable to work
  • Property damage expenses
  • Household and transportation out-of-pocket losses

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are often just as important. These are losses you suffered because of your accident that may not have a very specific value assigned to them. They must be carefully considered and estimated by your brain injury attorney. Some examples of non-economic damages in a brain injury may include:

  • Physical pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Loss of consortium
  • Emotional pain and mental anguish
  • Damage to your quality of life and relationships

How Much Is My Brain Injury Case Worth?

There is no set amount of compensation paid to brain injury victims in the Roseville area of California. If a claim is successful, individuals should be able to recover the compensation needed to pay for all the expenses mentioned above. No two brain injury claims are exactly alike, and every case must be examined independently of one another. The total amount of compensation paid for a successful claim, either through an insurance settlement or as a result of a personal injury jury verdict, will vary due to several factors.

Some of the main factors that can influence total settlement amounts after a brain injury include the overall severity of the injury, how long it takes a person to recover, whether or not there was any shared fault for the incident and other factors. When you work with a Roseville brain injury attorney for your case, you will have an advocate with the resources needed to enlist trusted medical and economic experts to fully examine every aspect of your claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

Brain injury victims in Roseville have a limited amount of time to file claims in court. The personal injury statute of limitations in California is two years from the date an injury occurs. This means brain injury claims must be filed within two years, or the victim becomes unable to recover compensation for their losses. We strongly encourage you to reach out to a skilled Roseville personal injury attorney very soon after the injury occurs so you have the best chance of recovering compensation for your losses.

Causes of Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury usually occurs as a result of a violent blow to the head or body or as a result of any object that pierces the brain tissue, which can include pieces of shattered skull or objects like a bullet.

There are a variety of ways that these types of injuries can occur in and around the Roseville area. Our team works diligently to help brain injury victims, and we regularly assist those who have been harmed as a result of the following:

This is most certainly not a complete list of the ways brain injuries occur in Roseville. If you believe your brain injury was caused by the negligent actions of another individual or entity, we encourage you to reach out to a member of our team for a free consultation as soon as possible.

How Do You Prove Traumatic Brain Injury?

The brain is a complex system of tissues and networks that must all work together to manage the body and keep you alive. What makes traumatic brain injuries complicated to diagnose and treat is that the symptoms a person has will differ based on where the injury occurs in the brain, the severity of it, and the level of actual damage that occurs. For all of these reasons, it is critical to work with a traumatic brain specialist to diagnose what occurred to you and what outcomes may apply in your situation.


Doctors diagnose a traumatic brain injury based on several steps. The first is to understand the symptoms you are expressing, such as slurred communication or a lack of control over a specific area of your body. During an assessment, your doctor will look at:

  • Movement to determine if there are motor function changes
  • Thinking and processing of information
  • Sensory function
  • Eye movement
  • Coordination of your muscles and movements
  • Reflexes

Any noticeable differences in your abilities from before and after your accident can be used as proof of the incident.

Testing is the second step in the process. Various tests cannot detect actual damage to the brain, including T scans and MRI scans. However, these tests can help doctors make decisions about where there is any evidence of concern present. For example, if a doctor performs an MRI and finds a brain bleed, that could be causing some of the symptoms and may have been brought on by an accident.

Proving what occurred to cause these changes can also be difficult. In some situations, brain injuries cannot be seen. You may not have a bump on your eye or a gash to show that you hit your head. The skull is so hard it can often serve as one of the best levels of protection in your body.

However, you may be able to prove that you are suffering a traumatic brain injury in several other ways:

  • Changes in thinking and cognition from before to after the incident
  • Changes in your thought processes, as well as your ability to communicate
  • Witness statements that indicate that you were struck in the head or in a violent back-and-forth movement that could have damaged the brain

These are some examples that your doctor and your attorney may discuss with you to determine if you can demonstrate brain damage after an accident occurs. The key is to look for differences from before and after the incident.

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

The symptoms of a brain injury will vary depending on whether or not the injury is considered mild or more moderate to severe. For a mild traumatic brain injury, often referred to as a concussion, individuals typically experience symptoms of a headache, nausea and vomiting, fatigue or drowsiness, and possibly problems with their speech and balance. Mild traumatic brain injuries may also cause sensory issues such as sensitivity to light or sound, and individuals may lose consciousness for a few seconds.

Those who sustain moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries will likely experience more severe symptoms. This can include a longer loss of consciousness, more severe headaches, seizures or convulsions, dilated pupils, loss of coordination, and numbness and weakness throughout the body. Cognitively, individuals may experience profound confusion, slurred speech, and an altered mental status.

It is important to point out that children who sustain traumatic brain injuries often display different types of symptoms than what is seen in adults. Children often cannot usually properly express how they are feeling, so parents and guardians should make note of any changes in appetite for behavior that could indicate a child has sustained a brain injury.

Will I Fully Recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury?

There is no way to say for sure what could happen to you. Brain injuries are some of the most complex and unpredictable types of injuries a person can have. Many people do recover, though it may take them time to rebuild skills and relearn how to do things. Others may suffer permanent damage to the structure of the brain, which makes it challenging to heal and fully recover.

One of the ways we can get a better idea of what to expect is by speaking to medical experts who have a history of helping patients with the type of brain injury you have. Our Roseville brain injury lawyer has a network of professionals to rely on to help you in this area.

Contact Our Roseville Brain Injury Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury caused by the negligent actions of another party in the Roseville area, the team at Rosenthal Law is ready to help. We have no problem standing up to aggressive insurance carriers to help clients recover compensation for their losses. We handle every aspect of the claim on behalf of brain injury victims, so reach out as soon as possible when you need a Roseville brain injury lawyer. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at (916) 461-8897.