Roseville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Accidents involving pedestrians often result in major injuries, but victims often struggle to recover the compensation they need from other parties. At Rosenthal Law, we are here to help if you need a Roseville pedestrian accident lawyer by your side. If another party caused your injuries, we will vigorously pursue compensation from the insurance carriers or through a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. Let us get to work on your claim as soon as possible so we can secure the compensation you need.

Roseville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Why Choose Us at Rosenthal Law Firm?

  • At Rosenthal Law, we have strong track record of success handling complex injury claims throughout the Roseville area, and we are a full-service firm that handles every aspect of your personal injury claim.
  • Our team has a demonstrated track record of success with both straightforward and more complicated personal injury claims, securing successful outcomes in 98% of our cases.
  • We will make any accommodations necessary to help ensure you receive the representation you deserve, even if you are hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated. We can come to you.

How Can a Roseville Pedestrian Accident Attorney Help My Case?

Pedestrian accident claims are often very challenging, particularly for those without skilled legal assistance. At Rosenthal Law, we understand the importance of little details. That is why our Roseville pedestrian accident lawyers take the time to learn about your claim. We have an entire team of Roseville personal injury lawyers dedicated to investigating these incidents, and we make sure clients are evaluated by trusted economic and medical professionals.

Our goal is to handle every aspect of pedestrian accident claims on behalf of our clients. This includes handling all negotiations with other parties and even fully preparing the case for trial if that is what it takes to recover fair compensation.

What Should I Do Immediately After Being Involved in a Pedestrian Accident in Roseville?

There are several types you can take immediately following a pedestrian accident in Roseville. However, as we go through these steps, we are well aware that the aftermath of the pedestrian incident can be chaotic, so you may not be able to take these steps in this exact order. However, in order to preserve the integrity of your claim and help ensure your well-being, these steps can certainly help:

  1. Seek medical care. After a pedestrian accident, the most important (and first) step is to seek medical attention, even if you believe your injuries are minor. Medical documentation is essential not only for your health but also as evidence should you need to pursue a legal claim. Immediate medical evaluation can identify injuries that may not be immediately apparent, such as internal injuries or concussions.
  2. Contact the police. It is important to have a legal record of the incident, which is why contacting the police immediately is critical. A police report gives you an official account of the accident, detailing the circumstances, involved parties, and any witness statements. This report can be pivotal in legal proceedings or insurance claims, serving as a reliable source of information about the accident.
  3. Gather evidence. If possible, collecting evidence at the scene can be very beneficial. This includes taking photographs of the entire scene, any injuries, and any damage to the involved vehicles or surrounding property. Gathering contact information from witnesses can also provide valuable testimonies for your case. This evidence can support your account of the accident and strengthen your legal position.
  4. Call an attorney. Seeking a free consultation with a personal injury attorney who specializes in pedestrian accidents can provide you with a clear understanding of your legal rights and the steps you should take next. A pedestrian accident attorney can guide you through the complexities of filing insurance claims and pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses. They can also handle all negotiations with insurance claims adjusters, working to help you receive the full compensation you are entitled to.
  5. Continue medical treatment. Following through with prescribed medical treatments and attending any follow-up appointments is important for your recovery. Consistent medical care not only aids in your physical healing but also demonstrates the seriousness and impact of your injuries. This ongoing medical documentation is vital for substantiating your claim for compensation.

What Damages Can I Recover?

Pedestrian accident victims in the Roseville area may be able to recover various types of compensation if their claim against another party is successful. We seek to recover both economic and non-economic damages on behalf of the clients we assist.


  • Economic damages. These are the types of losses we can calculate by using receipts, invoices, and bills the victim receives after the incident occurs. The most common economic damages recoverable include:
    • Hospital emergency expenses
    • Medications and medical devices
    • Follow-up doctor visits
    • Physical therapy or rehabilitation
    • Lost income or loss of future earnings
    • Property damage expenses
  • Non-economic damages. These types of losses are more immeasurable because there are often no receipts or bills to adequately measure a pedestrian accident victim’s loss of enjoyment of life or pain and suffering. However, these types of damages are equally as important as the economic losses mentioned above, and we work with trusted experts to help adequately calculate these damages.

Types of Pedestrian Accidents

Data from the California Office of Traffic Safety shows us that there were more than 10,000 total pedestrian injuries resulting from vehicle collisions during the latest reporting year. The reality is that these incidents occur in a wide variety of ways. Often, a pedestrian accident is caused by a direct impact with a larger vehicle. However, pedestrian accidents can also occur due to collisions between the pedestrian and a bicyclist, motorcyclist, scooter rider, or other object on or around the roadway.

If you have any questions about whether or not to move forward with your pedestrian accident claim, we encourage you to reach out to a Roseville pedestrian accident attorney for a free consultation. A lawyer will examine the facts of your case and help you understand your best options moving forward.

What Evidence is Crucial in a Roseville Pedestrian Accident Claim?

Certain pieces of evidence could be crucial to support your claim after a Roseville pedestrian accident occurs. This includes:

  • Police report. The law enforcement report from the accident scene is fundamental. This document provides an authoritative account of the incident, including details about the parties involved and any violations or observations made by the officers.
  • Photographs and/or videos. Visual evidence of the accident scene, your injuries, and any property damage can be powerful. If there are traffic or surveillance cameras nearby, their footage can also be invaluable in reconstructing the events leading to the accident.
  • Medical records. Documentation of your injuries and the medical care you receive is essential for receiving the correct compensation. All medical records related to the incident link your injuries directly to the accident and outline the medical care required for your recovery.
  • Witness statements. Statements from anyone who saw the accident can offer unbiased accounts of what happened. Their observations can corroborate your version of events and provide additional perspectives on the accident.
  • Expert testimony. In some cases, statements from accident reconstruction experts or medical professionals can help explain the nature of the accident and the extent of your injuries.

This is not a complete list of the types of evidence that may be needed. In some instances, we may have to obtain mobile device data, vehicle black box data, and additional evidence in order to support your claim.

How Is Liability Determined in a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

Determining fault after a pedestrian accident occurs is going to involve using all of the evidence gathered and possibly some additional methods. The evidence can paint a clear picture of what happened at the scene, which is why we strongly encourage you to work with an attorney who can help thoroughly investigate the incident.

However, sometimes, the gathered evidence does not completely show liability. There may even be instances where there is shared fall between multiple parties. It may be necessary for your attorney to enlist assistance from an accident reconstruction expert to help show insurance carriers or a personal injury jury what likely occurred.

Your attorney will work to show that the alleged negligent party breached their duty of care to you and that this breach of duty caused your injuries and monetary losses.

What Is the Time Limit for Pedestrian Accident Claims in California?

In California, there is a two-year time limit for filing injury claims. Under state law, if a personal injury claim does not get filed against an alleged negligent party within two years from the day the incident occurs, the claim will likely get dismissed. This could leave the victim unable to recover compensation for their losses. Additionally, there may be specific deadlines related to any insurance carriers involved in the case.


The best way to avoid missing the claim filing deadline is to start processing your case as promptly as possible after the injury occurs. If you have any questions about whether or not you are able to file your pedestrian accident claim right now, we encourage you to contact a member of our team for a free consultation of your claim.

Contact an Experienced Roseville Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by the negligent actions of another party in the Roseville area, turn to the team at Rosenthal Law for help today. We have extensive experience handling complex vehicle accident claims throughout the state, and we know what it takes to help individuals recover compensation for their losses. When you need a Roseville pedestrian accident lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at (916) 774-7200.