Category: Motor Vehicle Accidents

Odds of death in a car accident

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | November 17, 2017

The thing about odds is that they’re not a perfect science in that they realistically don’t apply to everyone the same way. For instance, by looking at the statistics, you can figure out your odds of passing away in a car accident in the United States. However, are your odds really the same if you’re…

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7 simple steps to prevent a car accident

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | November 5, 2017

The justice system in the United States has you covered if a reckless or unlawful driver hurts you, but wouldn’t it be better to prevent your car accident in the first place? The answer to this question is obvious, but it’s worth asking the question to draw attention to the fact that an ounce of…

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Examples of motor vehicle safety defects

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | October 14, 2017

Motor vehicle manufacturers are human and they make mistakes. The problem is that American consumers — drivers and passengers alike — often become the guinea pigs that determine over time whether a particular manufactured item is dangerous or not. In the case of a defective or dangerously-manufactured vehicle, injured motorists and passengers will have the…

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Winterizing your car for driving in the Sierras

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | October 4, 2017

In a recent blog entry, a fatal accident near Roseville was discussed. As pointed out, it’s important to winterize your vehicle. This helps prepare you for any weather-related fastballs Mother Nature might hit you with this season. Tips for winterizing your car or truck Roseville residents usually don’t have to worry too much about snow…

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Commuters unprepared for High Sierras snowstorm

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | October 3, 2017

To live in California is to commute. Almost anywhere you live, your job lies elsewhere, so commuting becomes the norm. Even with carpooling and public transit, that’s still a lot of Californians in vehicles jockeying for position on the freeways and streets. Inevitably, deadly disasters occur, as was the case recently in the Sierras on…

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61-year-old pedestrian killed in tragic bus accident

Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | September 17, 2017

Buses are heavy vehicles that are cumbersome and difficult to maneuver, making them prone to accidents. On top of this fact, due to their weight and size, buses can cause catastrophic and deadly injuries when they strike pedestrians and passenger vehicles. Example of a recent fatal bus accident Following a recent Redwood City bus accident,…

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