
How Are Motorcycle Accident Claims Different From Car Accident Claims?

Motorcycle Accidents | August 27, 2021

Being involved in any type of vehicle accident can be devastating. Accidents involving traditional passenger cars can present challenges when it comes to securing compensation, but most people are familiar with the accident claims process in these situations. However, motorcycle accident victims can experience additional challenges when filing injury or property damage claims. Here, we…

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Motorcycle Safety Protective Gear

Motorcycle Accidents | August 23, 2021

California has more registered motorcycles than any other state in the country. With wonderful riding weather throughout most of the state and beautiful scenery, operating a motorcycle can be a freeing experience. However, motorcyclists need to take steps to stay safe when they are operating these vehicles. Unfortunately, the careless or negligent actions of others…

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Differences Between Survival Action and Wrongful Death

wrongful death | August 20, 2021

Losing somebody that you love is incredibly difficult. This is particularly true when someone loses their life too early as a result of the careless or negligent actions of other individuals, companies, or entities. When this happens, surviving family members and the estate of the deceased should be able to recover various types of compensation…

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California Wrongful Death Laws

wrongful death | August 16, 2021

California law allows the family members of those who have lost their lives due to the careless or negligent actions of others to file lawsuits in order to recover compensation. Wrongful death laws can be hard to understand, which is why we want to briefly summarize the most important aspects of these statutes for you…

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Personal Injury Liability for Accidents on Sidewalks

Premises Liability | July 30, 2021

Accidents that cause injuries can happen anywhere. Often, the careless or negligent actions of property owners lead directly to individuals sustaining injuries. However, what about injuries that occur on sidewalks? Who is responsible for paying a victim’s expenses if they are injured due to a hazardous situation that arises on a sidewalk? Here, our premises…

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Liability for Injuries on HOA Property

Premises Liability | July 26, 2021

When an injury occurs on another person’s property, victims often wonder whether or not they are entitled to any compensation. This is particularly true if there were hazardous conditions on the property that contributed directly to the injury in question. What if an injury occurs on an HOA property? Will be HOA be responsible for…

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Landlord Liability for Slip and Fall Injuries

Premises Liability | July 23, 2021

Slip and fall injuries can lead to significant setbacks for victims. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents are not uncommon, and the careless or negligent actions of property owners often contribute directly to these incidents. But, can a landlord be held responsible for slip and fall injuries to a tenant or someone else on the property?…

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What to do After a Slip and Fall Accident in a Store

Premises Liability,safety | July 21, 2021

The last thing any person expects when they go into a store is that they will slip and fall on a hazard caused by the careless or negligent actions of a property owner or employee. However, slip and fall injuries occur regularly inside stores in California. Here, our Sacramento personal injury attorneys want to discuss…

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What Is Res Ipsa Loquitur?

Laws | July 19, 2021

Most people left their Latin studies behind in school, if they even had any Latin at all. So when you see “res ispa loquitur,” chances are you probably have no idea what that means. “The thing speaks for itself.” That is the translation of res ispa loquitur. However, simply giving you the translation does not…

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California Wet Floor Sign Law

Laws | July 16, 2021

Wet floors present significant dangers for any person who does not know that there is a hazard present. We have all seen “wet floor” signs before. When most people see a wet floor sign, they know that they need to take extra precautions to ensure that they do not step onto any slippery surface. Slip…

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