Safety tips for drivers to keep in mind this fall

Car Accidents,Our Blog | September 23, 2014

The fall season is officially upon us in California and the rest of the United States, even though the warm temperatures might feel a lot like summer.

With the change in seasons comes a change in driving hazards, according to the auto insurance company Allstate. The company recently provided several potential hazards and safety tips for drivers to keep in mind as the temperatures drop and the days get shorter.

First, with school back in session, it’s important to be on the lookout for students and school buses. Always follow the posted speed limits, especially in school zones and around school buses, to help prevent an accident or a ticket.

Next, be mindful that the sun’s glare can be very harsh during the fall months. Approach traffic lights and intersections very carefully as the sun can make it hard to see a red light or an oncoming vehicle. Avoid products that increase the glossiness of a vehicle such as wax, which can make cars even more difficult to see in the sun’s glare.

Fog is another danger during the fall months as temperatures drop at night and then increase during the day. When driving in fog, it is best to slow down and leave plenty of room between your car and the car in front of you. Also, avoid using your high beams as this only makes visibility worse.

Finally, keep an eye out for wildlife such as deer. Fall the time of year when deer are most active and most likely to wander out into the road. If you live in an area with a lot of deer, watch for them carefully, especially early in the morning and at night.

Thanks to Allstate for these helpful safety tips on fall driving.

Source:, “Dangers of Fall Driving,” Accessed September 22, 2014