Dealing with medical bills after a car accident

Car Accidents,Our Blog | February 3, 2015

If you were involved in a serious car accident, you probably ended up hospitalized and you might have undergone numerous surgeries to help put you back together.

As the initial shock of the accident began to wear away, you probably felt a mixture of emotions, including feeling grateful to be alive, while at the same time experiencing anxiety over how you were going to pay your medical bills.

Even with decent health insurance coverage, a hospital stay can become very expensive very quickly.

You may have turned to your insurance company in effort to obtain compensation for your medical bills, only to have your claim denied.

The good news is that you can get an experienced and aggressive personal injury lawyer on your side who will fight for your rights and refuse to settle without getting you fair compensation for your medical bills.

This might mean pursuing your own insurance company for compensation or the other driver’s insurance company if the other driver was at fault for the accident. If a fair settlement is not possible, we can take the claim to court and demand it that way.

Ultimately, you do not need to be left trying to figure out how you will be able to afford your medical bills yourself. Far too many California residents end up bankrupt trying to cover the medical bills stemming from a serious car accident.

Let our firm help you get the compensation you are entitled to. For more information on how we can help you fight for fair compensation from an insurance company or another driver, please visit our Help With Medical Expenses page.